Saudi Arabia says something big about Umrah visas.
Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Hajj and Umrah changed the date when Umrah visas expire for foreign pilgrims. Now, the visas expire on Dhul Qadah 15, which is two weeks earlier than before. This means pilgrims from other countries must leave Saudi Arabia by Dhul Qadah 15.
This change aims to make it easier for people traveling to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah, especially with Hajj season coming soon.
The ministry also explained something about the three-month Umrah visa. Before, the visa's validity started when pilgrims entered Saudi Arabia. Now, it starts from the date the visa is issued.
They made this clarification because people had questions on a social media platform called X (formerly Twitter). The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to set this new expiry date.
The new date, Dhul Qadah 15, was chosen to manage the flow of pilgrims better. This change helps with the movement of people in and out of the country and the organization of Hajj.
The Ministry's decision aims to make the pilgrimage experience better for everyone and ensure it's safe and smooth for all involved.